Thursday, January 22, 2009

The sun shineth and I'm stuck inside...

Last exam tomorrow! On the one hand, I can't wait for everything to be over! Am on the edge of burning out. (Hence this break. ha. Me and my excuses not to study...) But on the other hand, I am scared (as usual) cos' I haven't finished studying yet. Sigh.

Was just thinking that from my posts, it would seem like for the most part of the time, I'm not happy here. That's not actually a good reflection of the truth. A lot of times (other than all the stuff to do with school. ha), I am glad to be here.

I've met some really nice people, Germans and others (Chinese, Taiwanese, Turkish, Indian, Greek etc.) outside of school. And have been welcome as part of the clique of my German friends even if I can't participate in their conversations. (yet! But I shall learn!) We cook together (and for each other) and it's really great to have company for meals. I don't like to cook and eat alone. (Hence when alone, I don't cook.)

We chat about 'Gott und die Weld'. And there're a couple of people I can go to for a hug, a walk, a run or just to talk if I ever need to and I thank God for them.
Sometimes after dinner we'd watch movies in one of their rooms or play a game together in the kitchen (Risk, Monopoly). A lot of times I have had to go back to my room to study, sadly... But the few times I could join them have all been fantastic fun.

There're so many things I wish I could have had time to blog about. Especially our cooking and eating sessions, some 'first-time's and experiments that always ended up delicious!
German food is not just sausages and beer, I've learnt. It's a skill to make pretty (and tasty!) Chinese dumplings from scratch (skin and all). Hainanese chicken rice depends very much on the freshness of the chicken (hence frozen chicken is no good!), the chilli and the fragrance of the rice. Turkish food can take a lot of prep work beforehand but is oh-so-good (even if it's a tad too oily for me). Taiwanese homecooked food is simple and nice, makes you feel that much closer to home. Indian food is all about the spices and I love lentils!
It's an amazing cultural experience here. :)

And my Christmas vacation (Paris and Lille) which I have not mentioned at all.

I have (so many!) photos. I hope I can post some soon. So, wait for me! (Now, I have to get back to studying. Sigh.)
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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Anonymous said...

I (am starting to) miss... all of it!

Anonymous said...

Last paper!!!

Be happy! =D

Time is all you need!