Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This is when they say, well, life's like that.

My last week (soon-to-be-2-weeks-ago) went by in a blur. Deadlines (to get presents ready for A), late nights and lack of sleep. I skipped a whole week of gym! Mon I went present-hunting with Shab, Tues I went looking for a good photo album, A missed gym on Wed (wonder of wonders!!!) to hang out with me at the Esplanande cos' I wanted to take some pictures, Thurs I went to Christian's place to paint the T-shirt we wanted to give to A.

The Friday just past was A's last day at work. Friday afternoon was my breaking point. Shab, M and I went to Holland V to try to buy a phone for A. I had narrowed our choices to 2 before we went to the handphone shop. Turned out that after we saw the phones, my preference (Nokia 6280) was opposite from the 2 of them (Nokia 7370). I was really stressed out by then cos' they were quite adamant that A would prefer their choice (I thought the phone a little too small, a little too girly, didn't like the swivel function and besides, the features of the 6280 are much better) and I was rather sure he would like 6280 better. Their reason for picking 7370 was that it was less chunky and they think A wouldn't like a big/fancy phone. (but the 6280 is not big at all!) I was ready to give in, and said so, but I was not exactly the picture of joy. We didn't get the 7370 right there cos' they didn't have the black one in the shop. When we got back to the office I decided to get an answer from A directly so I opened Nokia's website and showed him the 2 phones. His immediate reaction upon seeing the 6280 was along the lines of 'Oooh that's a nice phone!!!' I was so relieved! I tried to convince M without telling him that I had asked A but he was still quite insistent so I had to spill the beans.

I stayed back at work trying to edit the videos I made for A but it didn't work. A few colleagues were really sweet to me, they kept asking if I was ok (maybe I simply looked terrible) and offered to help with anything they could do. Shab was really upset. Just before A left his office, she cried. And that made A cry too. Then A came over to my side of the office, rang me from outside and said dejectedly, 'Could you let me in? I don't have my access card anymore.' :( I managed to persuade him not to go to the gym that evening and we packed up and arranged to meet Shab, Lingling and Bernard at Holland V to have dinner together. A decided to have a look in the Cold Storage to see if they carry the sponge fingers he needed to make tiramisu so we went in. It was good that they had the exact ones he wanted. We bought all the things he needed to make his favourite dessert for the party on Sat.

Shab and I went back to the shop to buy the phone for A. Then we all went for curry. M came to join us after his gym session. Dinner was really good. A little on the high side (30 each) but that was cos' we ordered lots of little side dishes.

Sat was the big day. I went to Zee's place (where A and M were staying) in the afternoon so A could teach me how to make tiramisu. I also needed to try to put the videos together so it could be shown later that night. I shuffled between the kitchen and M's room where I was using his com to (try to) edit the videos. The stupid program kept hanging on me... Sigh. I so very nearly gave up. And at some point, exhausted, I sat on the floor of A's room, with my head in my hands and mumbled, 'It's not working...' Which made A seriously question my sanity. (This he told me after, cos' he had no idea what I was doing then. Though I think he still wonders about the health of my mind.) haha.

When the party began, he received a lot of presents from various people. It was like Christmas morning for him, which only goes to show how well-liked he is.

The catered food was quite good and we all took turns to play twister. Very funny. Asses in faces and tricky limb manuveurs.

Finally, when I thought I had finished it, (all the clips I wanted were arranged with titles in between, music put in, credits, all the works) I tried to play it before I showed it to everyone, there was no audio output from the clips. There was music alright, but couldn't hear what anyone was saying in the clips. I adjusted all the volume controls, even tried taking out the music but to no avail. I was so disappointed. My whole afternoon's (and evening's cos' for a big part of the party, I was still working through it) effort down the drain. My sis was telling me that A kept looking for me at the party and asking where I had gone. Well, that was a teeny bit of consolation. So anyway I ended up having to show the raw clips in Media Player. A lot of it made people laugh. After the video ended, I found A trying very hard not to sniffle. 'The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me!' A and his superlatives... hahaha... Everything to him is the best and the nicest... But that's cos' he's a really appreciative person. I gave him a hug and showed him my failed 'project'. His eyes turned really red and when I returned M's laptop into his room, A went with me so people won't see that he was crying. Awww... that boy... He kept saying he was so gay cos' he cried. haha...
We rejoined the party after he composed himself.

A little after 1am, we headed out to MOS and danced till the club closed before heading to MacDonald's for breakfast. A danced with me quite a bit that night, so that I finally sorta got the hang of which direction to spin when spun. :D I was so terribly embarrassing in the beginning, turning the wrong way and all. There was a cheesy ang mo guy (dunno where he's from. I can't tell accents very well.) who tried to chat me up. Eww.

I stayed over at the boys' place and spent Sunday afternoon with A browsing around in Chinatown to see if he could find a birthday present for his mum. Then we met Christian for lunch at Maxwell. Yums. :)
Back to their place after where we played with Zain (Shab's son) and chatted. Then he packed and I cooked him a bit of dinner before M and I accompanied him to the airport. :(
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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