Monday, June 05, 2006

Le champignon, le filet mignon.

Weekend just past had been a good one. Relaxing, different and too short.

Friday's blading was rather more eventful than the last time cos' both A and I fell and got scraped, on separate occasions. I was trying to to get to the practice area from the shop and that entails going down a not very steep slope, but to a novice like me, that was still too much for me and I lost control of my wheels. (though I must say I did keep my feet parallel like the girl at the shop told me to. She was busy helping someone else go down and no one else was around. A and the rest had gone off first.)
A's really good at rollerblading considering it's only his second time. But when he tried to execute a turning when he was going too fast, he was in over his head and skidded. He didn't wear the elbow pads that he was supposed to and suffered bad grazes on his left elbow. He also managed to land on the pocket where his phone was, crushed it and thus scored a big bruise on his left thigh. He was rather nonchalant about it all while I winced at his wounds.
We stopped soon after and decided to go eat instead. There was a 'Hawaiian BBQ buffet' near MacDonald's and they decided to go there. Food was quite ok.
Nobody wanted to go home immediately after dinner as the evening weather had been nice so we went to an Irish bar nearby for a drink. There was good live music. (A guy singing and the other playing an acoustic guitar.) Some people made requests for songs and I suddenly decided I wanted to make a dedication. To A. I wrote on a napkin and passed it to the singer. A was quite touched, I think. :) I didn't request a song with the dedication. I merely wrote, could the next song go to... The guys played 'With or without you' by U2. One of my favourites from U2. :D
After we went to sit on one of the big breakwaters to watch planes go by and gaze at stars. ^_^

Didn't manage to fit in shopping with A on Sat. There wasn't time as he wanted to get a tan at the pool then go to the gym. I opted not to join him at the gym cos' my butt was hurting bad from the roller blading fall. A, however, being insane as he is, can't miss a day of gym, even with his injuries... So Christian, A, my sis and I met at the Esplanade for the concert in the evening.

The orchestra was good. The only drawback of the evening being the gross absence of manners of the teenagers in the circle seats we were sitting in. They talked loudly and continuously, made rude noises etc. Argh!!!
I had gotten the tickets from Benny, the volunteer coordinator I used to work with in Salvation army, and now has his own organisation. All the tickets in the 3rd circle seats were apparently given to various charities, cos' there were all these problem youths and old old people.
It was off for food at the Makansultra foodplace for dinner after the concert. We were all famished, so ordered a whole table-ful of food. :D It's always an enjoyable affair to eat with Christian and A cos' they both really LOVE to eat.
It's great that my 'lil sis gets along with them well and that they readily treated her as one of our own when she goes out with us. ^_^
We sat by the river and had a drink. A big part of the conversation consisted of my sis, A and Christian telling silly, silly jokes. Like (from my sis) 'What do you call a blind deer?' 'No idea' 'What do you call a stationary blind deer?' 'Still no idea' Hahahaha... It was hilarious! Then of cos' there were the Englishmen, Irishmen jokes. (A's English and Christian's Irish.)

Managed to go shopping on Sunday after a short session at the gym with A. He bought some really nice clothes. I had fun picking out things for him to try on. :) And made him quite surprised that the things I picked looked really good on him (better than the ones he chose himself! :p) Needless to say, he was quite impressed with my taste. :D
It was mainly a day of shopping for him but I did get to try on a couple of dresses that looked quite good but I didn't get them cos' they were quite expensive. Moreover I hardly have occasions to wear dresses.
Then we went for dinner at Marche. A got a crepe with vanilla ice-cream and strawberries for dessert, it was sooo good! (Though not as good as the Nutella ones in France. Hee. A had wanted a Nutella one but Marche didn't have Nutella.)
Our last stop before going home was to Ritz Carlton cos' he has never seen the inside of it and he pointed out this 'hideous-looking building' to me a couple of times before which I was quite sure was the Ritz and he wouldn't believe me. He was quite impressed with the interior. Said it's interesting that something so ugly on the outside could be so beautiful on the inside. (And he put on an expression that was really really funny. haha)
I showed him the expensive, really good sushi bar (boss-cum-executive chef is Japanese) where I used to work part-time in and met my ex-manager, Lisa. I was surprised she still remembered me. She was nice, asked me to come back to eat there. Not for free of cos'! But she said if I do come, she'd give me the best. :) I might bring A there for a meal before he leaves. Though I'd have to save up for a bit before cos' it's really expensive!!! At least 120 for ala carte dinner!!! Set lunches are a bit more affordable; in the range of 30 - 50. Maybe... we'll see...
After we sat down at one of the comfy sofas to rest for a bit and I gave him part I of my series of leaving presents for him. It was a Tigerbeer (Tiger FC) jersey that I asked my dad to get for me. M had mentioned recently that A had wanted one. It wasn't a very nice jersey but A was really happy and touched. An appreciative guy, this one.

Can't wait for this weekend to arrive! Going fishing on Sat and having a dimsum lunch with colleagues on Sun. Both events organised for A. Not difficult to see that he's a popular one. His presence will definitely be missed...
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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