Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I think I can find my way.

My long weekend was pretty good. Good in the normal, ordinary, unexciting, nice, sense. ^_^

Every one of the twit gang bought grown-up womenly thingies (foundation, powder etc.) last Friday, except me. Though God knows, I was in dire need to be beautified (-how can this creature be let out on the streets!!!-). Damn horrible, horrible skin! Especially under those blemish-amplifying white lights of the make-up counters. But was possibly feeling TOO ugly, sad and tired to bother. Not to mention slightly sick... When one's down on one's luck, even nature conspires to worsen things... I didn't bring an umbrella on Friday, but it wasn't too bad as it was only a slight drizzle and for a part of the walk from office to bus stop there's a shelter. Then just as I exited the shelter to cross the road, it started pouring! And the green man took his own sweet time to come on! So, I arrived at bus stop, drenched and cold. Tell me why I wasn't surprised when the rain let up 5 minutes after. Got onto a bus to town that had appeared to take no heed of the Save Energy campaign, its air-condition on full blast. *sigh*

Thankfully, seeing the girls cheered me up some. :) We chatted as we walked around looking at bags, wallets... Then parted ways to go home early.

I was supposed to watch a horror film on tv with my sis later that night, she even went to the supermarket to get us some comfort food (read: munchies and ice-cream). But by 10-ish I was feeling pooped and decided to take a nap (the movie was due to start at 1130pm), asked my sis to wake me up when it's time. The next thing I knew, it was 530am. Think she saw I was exhausted so didn't wake me. (Either that or she wanted to have the food to herself. heehee. no lah, she not like that one. ;p)

The best part of my weekend would have to be staying over at zan's place on Sat. I went over Sat evening, had her mum's scrumptious bryani for dinner then the 2 of us sat on her King-size bed and chatted the whole night. (armed with snacks of cos'!) She said she couldn't believe how much I snack (/was that eat?)... haha... I totally binge over weekends. (bad ping! bad ping!!!) *sigh* Judging from this, it'll be long (maybe never) before I get that swimsuit figure (nice skin) I've always wanted.

She taught me some aerobics moves Sunday morning. With me flailing my arms around like a monkey gone wrong, I tried to keep up with her. ;p It was quite a good, sweaty workout.

In the afternoon, I followed her, her mum and sis to a marketplace in Jurong West where we looked at electrical appliances and other random shops. Those old provision shops selling biscuits and what-nots reminded me of my childhood days. I don't see many of them around anymore.

Next stop, Jurong Point. Where I bought my first pair of Levi's. Never could bring myself (or to afford actually) to splurge on a pair. Have always wanted one pair just to see how good they are and long they'd last me. Besides, this pair I bought was on a marked-down price. So not too bad. :D
Later on, we bumped into Kay in BodyShop coincidentally. Daryl came to meet Kay soon after.

Also bumped into an Asian-descent French guy who's on exchange in NUS whom I met over Friendster. Chance to practise my (very limited) French. haha. But mostly easier to hold conversation in English.

Anyway, we shopped around a bit more and headed off home.

Though I had the best intentions to do some form of exercise (either gym or a swim) on Mon, the weather was mostly lousy (that's my excuse. heh. :p) so I ended up being a couch potato. Eat. Eat. Watch tv. Eat. Watch tv. With my cousin and sis.

That concludes my (un)entertaining weekend. ^_^
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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