Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Where has my week gone? O_o

Haven't written for a while there. My week has passed me by in a flurry. Feels like it was the weekend just yesterday.

I mentioned before a (ex-)colleague of mine was leaving to do his PhD. Last Friday was his last day at work. That morning he was handing me most his stuff that would be of use to me. That was when I really felt his pending absence. Then late afternoon, all of us gathered for a coffeebreak with him to give him his card and gift. He wrote everyone a very sad last email from work. :( Although I barely knew him for more than 3 months, we've all been quite close, hanging out together so I feel kinda affected. It all reminded me of my last day at work in Paris. So very depressing it was.

Off-the-cuff emailed a favourite person about possibility of hanging out or catching a movie Friday evening after gym, got a rather surprising 'Oui, ce serait superbe!' reply. We were smart this time, booked our tickets for Munich before leaving work. It was a good show. Thought-provoking. And like Anantya said, 'banalicious'! :)

Received an sms from Kay just before the movie started about Daryl's surprise party on Sat evening. My colleagues and I had already made plans for Sat evening to hang out. But I haven't seen the 'twit gang' (in the words of Zan) since ages so I had to make it. I decided to skip dinner with my colleagues to go for Daryl's party then meet them after. That way I can see everyone. :) I slept most of Sat away. Left house slightly later than I would have liked to so I didn't get to Kay's house before Daryl. Such a coincidence that the unsuspecting birthday boy came in line behind me for the bus from Jurong East interchange to Kay's house. Fortunately I could hide behind my hair and he didn't see me. Phew! (I can't bear to imagine otherwise... Me singlehandedly destroying the surprise! The guilt of that!!!) I got off a stop after him and walked back. The surprise was a success! :D I missed the best part though, the water-dunking. ;p But Zan has videos of that so I can get them from her. It was really great seeing the gang again! More! Again, soon!

After the fantastic party, I went down to Brewerkz, where my colleagues were eating dinner, to meet them (and also to get them a discount). We headed off to One Night Stand after. (Which, to tell the truth, was quite a bad choice.) So after a bit, we decided to move to MOS. It was good fun there. Especially the way a few of us strutted in (a girlfriend of one of my colleagues and I were linking arms as we walked and she was whispering to me 'Strut, girl, strut!' And so I did. :D) through the VIP section and end up not having to pay for entrance.

I can't believe I was quite sorry to leave when the music died. It was almost 5am then. Some of them still wanted to continue the 'night' (more like morning!). We decided not to go into any more clubs but to go to the boys' place for a bit instead. The girls were famished and made some blackened toast at their place. A couple of them bought some mashed potatoes from 7-11. Before this I never knew 7-11 sells mashed potatoes! I didn't eat anything. Didn't think my stomach could take any food. Though I must say I am very proud to note that I didn't get sick this time or the Sat before. Me thinks me alcohol tolerance has gone up slightly. :p This time, I had had a Kahlua at Kay's place, then a gin lemonade at One Night Stand, a volka redbull and then a shot of something (I have no idea what it was) at MOS and some random tastes of my friends' drinks here and there. These, may not seem like much to most people, but for me, it was an achievement! ;)

Those were great nights out, but I think it would be a while before I do that again.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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