Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Proceed with caution: Whining ahead!!! >_<

*Enormous red danger sign* Don't say I didn't warn you!

Was looking through some pictures I took with friends/family in Paris just before I came back (about 4 months ago) yesterday and.......................................... *too upset to type* I looked at myself now and, and............... the difference is appalling!!!!!!!!! Even my lil' sis agrees... My skin was radiant (think fair with pink glow...) and flawless before. And definitely baby smooth. I remember feeling very amazed and happy about it then. The pictures brought back a flood of memories... Sigh. But as soon as I came back, the weather/could be also the food here (but most definitely weather plays a large part) wreaked havoc on my skin. My sebaceous glands went mad giving rise to pimples, blocked pores, white heads, black heads, whatever, you name it I have it!!!! :( :( :(

I want nice skin!!!! The best part was, when I was there, I didn't have to do anything for it except put on moisturiser. Now, I have to think about going back to my old skin doctor to get expensive medications to treat my skin... double sigh.

Why can't I be one of those women who have beautiful skin effortlessly??? Or if not, loads of $ to get the best treatment??? The former is way better though.

Also, back there, I didn't really have to worry about my weight. I seem to be able to eat all the desserts, patisserie (pastries), chocolates, etc etc that I want and not get fat. Think it's probably due to the amount of walking I do there. The scenery's and weather's perfect for walks after work/weekends. Here, it's almost always too hot to walk much (except of cos' shopping in malls, but that's a different matter altogether!) and there's not much scenery unless one goes to the parks or reservoirs or reserve. Those places I am determined to explore now that I am back (have already made an effort to go to some of them).

It may sound like I am griping (there is such a word right? As in gripe?) about Singapore. But I must say that in most ways I am happy Singapore is where I call home (with exception of the above stated reasons, induce whining and others such as the educational, political arenas are not particularly rosy- I have some thoughts about the upcoming elections, but let's not go there while I am whining bimbotically/vainly.)

On an entirely (well, almost, except it's still on the whining tune) unrelated note, I want to get rid of my turning-red-easily phenomenon.

In the "Principles of Anatomy and Physiology", Gerard Tortora and Sandra Grabowski write: when exposed to environmental or emotional stimuli, the body kicks in with a "fight or flight" response, stimulating the release of extra adrenalin. This adrenalin acts upon the sympathetic nervous system, which among other things, triggers the widening of blood vessels throughout the body, including the vessels in face, hence blushing.

Either it was really a point of just nothing else better to say or ignorance, someone's first words to me today were, 'You got some sun!' In that instant, I was thinking back the last 2 weeks if I had actually gone for a swim and drew a blank. Felt my face get hot and I think I must have looked like I got all the sun I need in that 2 secs. I should have retorted with something along the lines of 'Well, the sun's always present in Singapore, so it shouldn't be any surprise', instead of stammering, 'Well, I didn't do anything outdoors. Don't know how I got dark'. And proceeding to turn redder than a cooked lobster. Oh, that would bring me to the point of my horrifying speed of 'getting the sun', so to speak. I must possess some sort of melanin catalyst!!! O_o

This might be enough whining to get me through today. Gotta get back to working on my presentation.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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