Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Blog and cartoon surfing makes me happy...

Since I was feeling melacholic, I decided to do some blog and cartoon surfing. These are 2 things I could do on the office computer that make me smile. Maybe I could also spend this time outside somewhere doing something else (strolling in this beautiful city that I would miss soon, reading in gardens, etc) but at the moment (also weather not very good, a little cold), this seems good enough. Sometimes I feel guilty about spending my time indoors when I could be outside in this magnificient place and take advantage of the little time I have left here. I feel like I am not doing myself or her (Paris) justice by wasting time indoors or in the office after hours on the internet.

The last weekend that I had wished earlier would be as fulfilling as the last 2 did not turn out as I hoped. Had holed up at home watching rented dvds (A lame French comedy - Les Daltons which I didn't even finish watching and Wong Kai Wai's 2046 which I did not understand very well cos' the original version was in Cantonese most of the time with French subtitles. My other option, the French version would have been even more difficult to understand, I think. In any case I prefer to hear the original language.) cos' it was rainy and I couldn't be bothered going out when it's like that.

My next steps for this evening would probably be to hole up at home (feeling a little guilty but mood decreeds this today), have a simple dinner and hide under my comforter with a hot chocolate and watch more dvds. Great plan or not???

Tomorrow evening's my supervisor's 'pot' (French for a little celebration) in a Spanish bar cos' he is now a CDI (I know what it means but can't remember what the alphabets stand for. Basically it means the company has offered him a contract and he has a proper job now. Before he was a post-doc here.) and he said I am obliged to go so I could do the clean-up of tables and stuff (he's just joking, eh, I hope =p) since I'm working under him. Hope mood will feel up to it to go tomorrow after tonight's hole-up.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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