Friday, September 09, 2005


Arghh!!! Haven't had any time at all to write. Scurrying to and fro the in-vitro and in-vivo (where I mostly reside in) departments (in different buildings somemore...) to perform experiments means I have no time at all to use the computer. Am only able to write now (am actually supposed to input some data into Excel but have decided that that can wait until I've finished writing) cos' I'm waiting for my ELISA test to finish incubating. Stupid ELISA has too many incubation periods and washing, washing and more washings!!! This means I have to stay late at work on a FRIDAY, again!!! Eee!! It's 9.10pm now and I'm still in the office... Finished my ELISA test at 7.30pm and just got it all into Excel AND Powerpoint (for presentation on Mon) and sent out to bosses.

Work update:

Homing#2 and the horrible C6 & B16 have been sacrificed. (Fortunately, was sick and thus, absent on the day of the sacrifice of C6 & B16. Heard horror stories about how disgusting the tumours were, especially B16. Tumours were black and bigger than the mice themselves so it looked like tumours with mice attached rather than mice with tumours. One tumour 'exploded' when my colleague was trying to remove the skin to retrieve tumour. I saw the tubes of tumours in formalin and have decided that I cannot describe the grisly sight and thus will save you guys the unhealthy details.)

New experiment started - C26 Cahexia - where we investigate (cross our fingers and hope our compounds work) one of the worst side effects of cancer, weight & muscle loss. Our victims this time are cute brown furry mice. I really dislike treating them (subcutaneous injections of compounds dissolved in corn oil) everyday... In the beginning, they squeak pitifully when I do that. But I don't particularly have a choice, so I simply shut my heart and do it. Some of them have developed sores on their skins as a result of the injections. *heart pain* Now, they don't really protest anymore. Could it be that they have resigned themselves to their horrible fate (the poor things) or is it that they know I am trying my best to not hurt them unnecessarily? (Strangely, the mice go crazy - jump around, squeak a lot and sometimes try to bite - when my supervisor injects them. We usually do the treatments together so it's faster.)
Homing#3 started.

Will start C6#2 soon. B16 experiment abandoned (Thank God!) cos' it's too aggressive a tumour.
Inspectors coming to check our animal facilities. It will be the third time. Hope this time everything goes well. Else we might have to shut down our animal facilities. On this day, I am asked to discretely be absent from the animal facilities. (Officially, French regulations does not allow me to perform experiments on animals unless I get a certification from them.) Maybe then I would be able to stay in my office that day the whole time and surf the net. But chances are slim since I have tons of other work to do.

Supervisor just sent me an email this morning listing the work I have to do soon. I have to continue with my ELISA tests until the bosses are happy. I do feel grateful that I get to cross between in-vitro and in-vivo, but sometimes bosses press me for results both ways and I feel like a stressed-out pancake. X( Hah. You get the idea...

On a happier note, my last 2 weekends passed pretty good. The last Friday of Aout (August) I had dinner at a Japanese restaurant (owned by Chinese. Heard them speaking Chinese. Sighz. Which means food was only just about passable. But well, I miss Jap food and with my financial status, that was only kind I could afford). Went cycling in a big park on sat. Had fun though it was only for an hour. Haven't cycled for a long time... Missed it even if I'm not all too good at it.

Last Sat, went to read in another big beautiful park near an old castle (Chateau de Vincennes). Sat in an open meadow in front of 2 beautiful houses and lots of people sitting around sunbathing. Watched a grandfather playing soccer with two young grandsons. Him shouting 'Bravo, bravo!' to them sometimes. ^_^ Looked up to see the sun streaming through brown leaves, casting long beams of tremulous gold so that everything in its path had the colour of warm honey. It was so restful that I actually fell asleep with my head on my knees for a bit.
Got up to walk around and found a nice lake just behind the houses. Went boating for an hour and discovered that although I used to canoe (with a 2-sided paddle), I don't do very well with boats that have 2 single oars. heehee...
Last Sun was the first Sun of the month, and the nice thing about it is that all national museums and some monumental buildings here in Paris are free! Whee!!!
Decided to visit Musee National Picasso de Paris. Stared blankly at some sculptures and paintings, trying my best to understand what it is about. Modern art is obviously not within my grasp. One metal sculpture which I thought looked like a chicken turned out to be a woman doing gardening. O_o Heehee... *embarrassed*
After about half an hour (maybe even less) in the museum (a lot of the rooms were closed as they were preparing for an exhibition), I went to another museum (Musee National du Moyen Age) that holds exhibits of the Middle Ages. Had to rush through the rooms as it was near closing time. Might have to go back again to have a better look.

Haven't yet decided what I will do this weekend. I hope it will be quite as fulfilling as the last 2. Might go to the Louvre as I have a youth Louvre card.

Have more to say but think will save that for later as it's late now and I should get home... *rubbing tired eyes*
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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