Thursday, August 25, 2005

Just passing by

Went out to a garden to read yesterday. It was a nice little one at the tip of a small 'island' in the middle of River Seine. Constantly looked up from my book to see the boats passing by laden with tourists, sparrows chirping, pecking food, lovely flowers, groups of people/couples sitting nearby.

The weather was a little on the cool side and it looked as if a fine film of clouds had decided to envelope Paris. There was not even a tiny slit where one could see blue. The sky was an endless white, rippling white. I wish I had my camera with me. (Not the first time I've thought that here. From now on, will bring my camera everywhere I go!) It's not everyday that I get to see a sky like that. There was a moody, slightly grieving quality about it.

After an hour of reading, I left the garden to take a walk outside and found many quaint alleys bustling with life; restaurants, cafes, some very expensive-looking shops, little art galleries, and of cos' lots of people. Roads I had never seen, never taken. Found them yesterday, from walking around blindly, aimlessly. ^_^ As I walked along, people-watching, I thought, strange, I don't feel like a tourist but neither do I feel like I belong/live here. Dans (So), what category do I fall into? In-between, I suppose? A passerby? hmm... *mulling over*

Have come to enjoy doing this on my own. Luckily, this time, no strange old man talked to me (the other time I went to the Jardin du Luxembourg - a very big and beautiful garden - alone to read, a man who looked to be in his forties approached and talked to me as I was walking along Boulevard St Michel). Though sadly, no cute young man approached either. Haha. :) There were some black males who shouted 'ni hao' and other stuff (rude-soundly words) to me in the little garden as I was leaving and I simply ignored them.

Will be going to the library later this evening. And then take a walk around and go *snap snap* with my camera. :) Am happy when I get to take photos. Hee!

Now gotta go weigh mice and make up the groups for tomorrow's injection. Till later!
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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