Friday, August 05, 2005

Someone said something nice to me yesterday and I was slow enough not to understand it then and I didn't even thank the person. ha. I was at a supermarche (Ed) near Rue de Rivoli yesterday and the cashier said (after the usual Bonjour), 'Tu es jolie' (You are pretty). I didn't even realise he was talking to me, thought either I didn't understand correctly or that he was talking to my friend. Though come to think of it, my friend is a guy, the cashier is a guy, so.... erhm... well, he could have been gay for all I know. O_o heehee... So I didn't say anything, just smiled. Then the cashier asked my friend, 'Vous etes ensemble?' (You are together?) and my friend said oui. So possibly he didn't even notice my guy friend beside me. He then asked 'Vous venez d'ou?' (You come from where?) And when my friend said 'Pardon?', he thought we didn't understand. I think my friend just didn't hear him. An old man in line behind us said 'Marseille' (a nice city in the South of France) and we laughed. The cashier asked if we speak English and repeated his question in English. My friend answered, 'Romanie' and at that, our purchases were paid for and we said, 'Au revoir' to the cashier guy (who looked pretty good himself. hee. I can't tell what race he is, his skin colour is kinda a cafe au lait -coffee with milk- colour.) and we left. I only realised after talking to my friend that I was paid a compliment. And I probably looked -I don't understand a word of French- stupid back there. Plus I felt I was impolite, didn't say thank you. But well, it was not really my fault if I didn't know at whom his compliment was directed. haha. Anywayz, I kinda floated for a bit. ^_^ My friend had to pull me firmly to the ground after. hahaha...

After we went to the train station, Chatelet, to take a train to somewhere else and there was a commotion at the platform where we were. Turned out that there was a mysterious-looking (with no owner) silver suitcase that was left near the seats. The security were trying to clear the area of people and put red & white striped tape to cordon off the area. Our train arrived and we left on it so I didn't know what happened next. Though we thought it most probably was a stupid practical joke since the Al-Qaeda would probably not be so naive as to leave a silver suitcase in a train station and then have the police come before it (the bomb) goes off. There are no reports today on the news about it so I figured that nothing happened, which is good news.

After the attacks on London, Paris has started to be more alert to things like that, with announcements in metro and train stations to tell people to report mysterious-looking objects (and in English too! How amazing is that!!! ;p). It's good they are on their toes, since Paris seems to be a very plausible target too.

'World Peace' seems so very very far away and impossible to achieve...
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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