Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Lesson Learnt

Recently learnt to knit from colleague. Thought I'll try to knit a scarve/muffler/watever-you-call-tat. It was difficult to start the first row of knitting cos' I kept making mistakes and had to undo and redo... Repeat tat process 10 times and I felt like throwing the needles (preferably at someone I hate! Bwahaha...) and giving up... Well, it turned out tat I din throw my needles at anyone... (sound effect: Geez...) and I tried again. Tat time I got it and it was easier after tat and my scarve/muffler/watever you call tat is progessing nicely. The morale of my story, is tat tis time, I truely felt wat it means by the Chinese idiom, 'Wan Shi Qi Tou Nan'- (for my non-Chinese frens, it simply means tat it's always difficult to get started). I realised tat if I could push myself to persevere beyond tat point then things become much easier and you'll see results. I know I should apply tis to exercising! But tat's a whole different ball game... heehee... I'll try... :)

Will probably start to jog at the park near my apartment once winter is over. But the thing about exercising is tat I find it easier to do it with someone else... But I've got no one to exercise together here! Oh well, I'd just hafta TRY to do it alone. Cos' I can feel tat weight tat was only just gone comin back to haunt me! Arghhh!!! Gotta eat less and exercise! - My New Year resolution :S
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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Michael said...

Knitting ... cool ... save $$ Turns out that your patience is bit more than u expected. Its good. Before you know it. Its completed already.. Kambateh.

Exercising can be done indoor leh.. Try doing ya crunches, skipping, dancing (when no ones watching), Jump around like crazy bitch.... kinda fun and it helps to ease then tension within....-_-'''

Weight is the last thing you worry.. Why still ganna haunted by the past leh? Come on ... being happy is the utmost important task liao....Anyway... Makan there should be sarks big time rite. Pray for from sushi and takopachi drop from sky... How bout the hokkien mee from Sgoon Garden. Even Fried Carrot Cake from Sgoon North.... maybe u pray hard enough.. It might be delievered to your doorstep... Woot...hahaha.. Take care