Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Argh, have had to drag my feet to the lab these past 2 days. I suppose sometimes, I wish I could sit in the office where most of my colleagues are.

The last weekend was quiet. A concise summary would be, I ate and ate and ate. :D

Zee, Myles, Christian, Claire R, M and I went for some Indian food along Serangoon Road. It was very good. I ate so much!!! I remember thinking aloud that I've never had North Indian food before these British guys came along. Now it's become a constant cuisine in my life. haha. I have had to ask them to tell me what dish is what. :D The Indian food I knew only consists of prata, mutton soup and stuff like that lah. South Indian, I think, right?
Then we went back to Zee's and Myles' place (where M and A are staying at before they leave) for a couple of drinks. A joined us soon after we got back to their place. On the way back to theirs, we passed by a set of swings (they were in the middle of nowhere!) and I had to go on one. I LOVE swings. The guys kept egging me to jump off when I was swinging at my highest. What good friends these are eh? Trying to get me to kill myself... Well, I do no such stupid things. :p

Saturday morning I met M to get the bike jersey we bought for him for his birthday exchanged for a bigger size. (I underestimated his shoulders.) It's been more than a month since I bought it. He hasn't worn it. We've just been too occupied to be able to get it done. Actually, he's the busy one but insisted he wanted to see the shop so I had to wait till he's free then go together. The lady at the shop (the same person I bought it from) was very nice to allow us to change it for L. He likes the shop cos' it's well-stocked with apparel and bikes. Muttered under his breath something like 'Where have I been all this time?' hee. ^_^ 'Too bad you're leaving', I told him.

We were browsing through the jerseys and shorts and I was picking stuff out for him to try on when the lady suddenly asked me if I'd like to help her out on Sats in the apparel section. I was quite pleasantly surprised (it's not everyday that someone pops this kind of question. I take it as a compliment, that she likes me. :p), said, 'Why not?' Gave her my number and she said she'd call me.

M was hungry when we were done and there was a new aussie pie place just next door so we decided to try it. Light, flaky pastry, meaty pies, though on the pricey side. I had a chocolate eclair that was not bad (nothing beats pastries in France now. My tastebuds have been spoilt! Hee.) but definitely overpriced. ($4 for one!).

Afterwards I went to East Coast to meet A and the Claire-s to do a bit of blading. A was really good at the end of the afternoon and it's his first time blading too! I suppose his skiing skills helped. Still, very impressive how good he is. :) I'm crap at it... Sigh. Well, I could move on those wheels but absolutely without the grace that one is meant to have. :( A hung around with me to watch out for me while the Claire-s returned their blades and went for a dip in the sea. A and I stopped soon after and I walked along the shore as A went for a short swim.

4 of us met up then the Claire-s went home in one cab and A and I shared one. A's plan was to get home to get his kit then go to the gym. (After blading for 2 hours! He's mad!) Anyway I didn't have my kit with me so I went home. I had the best intentions to go meet some secondary school mates after my shower but I started feeling too relaxed at home to go out again. So Sat evening was spent at home having dinner with sis, watching tv, and enjoying the ice-cream she kindly bought for us. I went to bed really early. I think it was 10-ish.

Sunday was 'make-dumplings' day at my aunt's. My mum and all my aunts were there. I went over in the hope to learn the secrets to wrapping a meat dumpling (those pyramid-like ones we chinese eat for duan wu jie.) I've always thought it difficult, but until then, never knew exactly how difficult! The few dumplings I tried to make were in terrible shape... And the leaves keep tearing... I gave up. Decided my job was to eat. Which was basically what I did the whole day.

Met up with M and A along with my sis and cousin, Ru, to watch X-men. It was good getting out of the house. (so I don't continue eating... O_o) And it's always great fun when I meet up with them 2, so even though we only came out for the movie (also one I've already watched) and went home after, it was worth it. :) Not many chances left to hang out with them anyway.

Yeah, so that's that.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll hafta drag my fat a*s to the gym... sigh.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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