Thursday, January 12, 2006

Why does everything in this world have to do with $??? :(

People who know me know I am horrible with making decisions. (I hear a chorus of agreement... :p)

Some of my colleagues are going away to HK over the long Chinese New Year weekend. Am very tempted to go too! Surprisingly mum said it's ok if I want to go. (I had expected her to protest since I had already missed last year's reunion dinner. Guess I'm quite dispensible... @_@)

Spoke to my company-assigned buddy (who, by the way, is a really nice lady) to ask her if she would be going. She was tempted but thought the air tix pretty expensive at this time compared to when she went in July 2003. [I had thought that 500+ for air tix (without including accomodation) is ok - which is what my colleagues are paying now.] But she paid including accomodation and taxes, only 500+. Besides most of the shops might be closed during this period of time, which is probably true.

Just got a call from the lady at the gym who has been trying to sell me a year's membership since I went with my colleagues on Mon. Man, are they persistent and persuasive... But I've proved to be a hard customer to get... Hee. Definitely one of the best skills I've developed over the years is the ability to say no to sales people if I don't believe in the products they are selling, no matter how pushy they are. I've had my share of buying things I don't want or need cos' of pushy sales persons when I was younger and I learnt my lesson from that. But this gym membership thingy is something I might actually use and benefit from. And thanks to my 'no-I need-to-think-about-it' persistence, they have reduced the fees by quite a big margin... enough to make me entertain thoughts of getting it. They tried to get me to sign up on Mon with an attractive offer and used the old 'it's-a-today-only-offer', 'only-for-you-offer'... I still said no, I need to think about it. One of my colleagues (let's call him 'A') said he can bet they are gonna offer me the same thing after. And true to that, the lady called me with the same offer, same lines... Haha... colleague A said, do they really think we are idiots? bwahaha... appears that they really do... I'm very tempted to take it up... Colleague B says it'll be nice if I join them. :)

Think I will go home, sleep on it. Might be a good idea to go look at the SSC gyms sometime soon and see how everything compares up.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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