Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Seasonal weather

Did I ever mention one of the things I really like about being in a temperate country is the weather? I like the fact that here, I get to wear different clothes for different seasons. And to put on a coat when I go out, I really like that. Well, in the beginning I was really not used to it, found it quite troublesome actually and sometimes forgetting my coat until I step out the door and am reminded by the cold frosty wind that I need a coat/jacket.

I never owned many long-sleeved shirts in Singapore, let alone coats/jackets. Before I had only a couple of windbreakers and that makes up all my cold weather wear. (considering I live in hot hot Singapore and have never ventured far enough to cold places, that's logical eh?) Now, I've amassed a few coats/jackets, a couple given to me before I came (a light sporty one for spring and whenever it's just cold but not cold enough for heavy coats and a heavy long jacket for winter), a couple I've bought (a denim one from London and a second-hand leather jacket that's well-worn but still nice that I bought at a garage sale in front of my apartment building). Stuff I won't get to wear anymore when I get home... sad...

I remember when I used to look at winter trench coats in shop windows in Singapore and wish I could get to wear them one day. Well, I got to wear one the last winter! Although it's a little big for me but it keeps me nice and warm. I've also tried on some jackets when I went shopping the last winter sale. Most of them looked really nice! Was really really tempted to get one then but thinking that I wouldn't have a chance to wear it after I get home, I didn't buy one.

When my sis and some friends were here, we went window shopping in Champs Elysees (Paris's equivalent of Orchard road but with many more big brand shops). I dragged them into Hugo Boss with me. I just wanted to go in to take a look since I've never been into one big brand shop here. There were cute guys manning the entrance and exit doors, where they open the doors for you to come in and go out... We felt funny going in... hee... Inside I tried on some ridiculously-priced jackets! Think 900+ euros!!! O_o And 500+ euros, 300+ euros... Heehee... It felt good trying them on!!! Even better when my sis and friends said I looked nice in them. Doesn't matter that I can't afford them, now or maybe ever (unless there comes one day when I have enough money I could burn or throw them in the streets).

Haha... How I have digressed! Back to the weather note, it's getting chilly around here. Leaves are showing signs of browning. Seems like autumn is making its entrance even though it's kinda early. It's still supposed to be summer. But well, the weather's been real odd this year. Wonder what other surprises it'll spring... Hopefully it'll snow before I leave. :)
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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