Friday, June 24, 2005

Can't wait!

My sister is coming to visit me!!! I am sooooo excited!!! Can't wait for her to be here! Just one more week!!! June 30! She finally bought her air ticket... I was worried she would end up not coming cos' she was working and she didn't really check out the air tickets. I spent some time on the internet in the office (shush! O_o) earlier this month to check out travel agencies in Singapore that offer good prices and forwarded her the emails of the ones who replied. Then I had to keep calling her to check if she had called any of the agencies to check out the tickets.

FINALLY, on June 14, I got an email from her that she had booked her tickets! After that, I searched high and low (on the internet, that is. Thank God for the World Wide Web!) for the cheapest possible tickets to London and Italy. Booked the tickets after a few days of intense searching (when I was sure I had exhausted all options) and careful deliberation over how much time I wanna spend in each place. Then had repeat the process to find accomodation. Boy, does budget travelling exhaust one even before it starts (if I didn't have to care about my budget, I could have booked anything I want)! But I know it'll all be worth it when I'm there. :)

I thought to get tickets to Disneyland Paris for my sis cos' she really likes the fairytales and princesses. Besides, I've always wanted to visit Disneyland too. So she's the perfect person to go with! :) But gosh do the entry tickets cost! 41 euros for one adult, one park, one day! Naturally, I looked at the English website first but didn't find any good offers (for example student prices) on the ticket prices. Then I checked the French website to see if there are any differences in the 2 and to my surprise there are much more discounts stated there than in the English website... Wonder what that's supposed to signify?!?! People who don't read French are not eligible for the offers??? There's an offre etudiant that gives a 35% reduction for students on the entry, and there's a billet 'plus tot' which takes almost half the price off if you book the tickets 30 days before the day you go. I got that one since the timing was suitable and was really glad to have found that.

Guess I probably won't be able to update again before I leave for my vacation (2 whole weeks! Yipee!) cos' there are tonnes of work I have to clear before I go and I'm not even going to think about the work waiting for me when I get back... Hopefully can find the time to write about my trip when I get back. Dans (so), until then, ciao!
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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