Thursday, May 04, 2006

I will remember you. Will you remember me?

A girl from the same course and CCA back in university passed away 2 nights before from a traffic accident. Zan told me about it yesterday. It took me a whole minute before my brain responded with 'what'? It felt like a shock that didn't register. I didn't know her all that well but we've spoken quite a few times in school before.

It doesn't seem right that a person her age should be gone from this world. Life, precious, malleable yet fragile as thin glass. I find myself thinking about her and how people our age start planning for the future and possibly at the back of our minds, there's a little notion that we are indestructible. Death is something that only happens elsewhere. It doesn't figure into the equation. At least I'm quite sure that's how I think until something happens to jerk me out of my reverie. Then that doesn't last very long till the everyday chores take over (again) and I forget. To thank God for providing, for doing all He has done. To be nicer to people I love.

I feel like a bag of overflowing emotions. Tears threaten to drop so easily recently. I'm not usually like that. (I like to think I'm stronger than that.) It's that there's been an avalanche of (awful, painful) news from people around me.

Last night, after gym, I went to Christian's place with M to keep him company. Christian's granddad passed away a couple of nights ago. :(
The 3 of us had dinner (Hokkien mee from Maxwell. It was yummy.) together. Watched 'Chasing Amy' on his projector. It's quite an old film but very good. Very sad. The guy (Ben Affleck) was quite the prick. (As all men are. Ok, maybe 90%. The other 10%, I dunno, gay? taken?) During the movie, Christian and I had a couple of gin tonics each and M had a couple of Guinness. At the end of the night, I was slightly tipsy, but generally sober.

It was a very enjoyable evening with them 2. Thank God Christian will still be here for a while yet. (he promised me!!!)

M and I spent some time chatting at the bus stop after we left Christian's place. He mentioned A's acting a little weird (distant) this past week. Self-defense mechanism. Which then led us to talk about his own leaving. An (un)opportune moment for him to pick to give me a hug because it just made me start sobbing (the chest-heaving, snot-flowing kind) on his shoulder. He stroked my hair and made hushing sounds like I was a baby. I supposed I was behaving like one.

I needed that. The hug, the chat, the crying. Thanks.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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