Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hang on! Long weekend ahead! Yoohoo!!!

Had an enjoyable Friday evening with 2 of my chums last week.
The boys were hungry after gym and decided to go to Bugis to a restaurant they call 'Seafood in a pan'. (which actually is Fish & Co, but they insisted on calling it that.) When we got there we found the whole area where it used to be cordoned off for renovations. They then wanted to go to Seoul Garden but upon arriving there, the waitress told us their buffet was closed. Well, understandable, seeing as it was like 10pm already. That leaves 2 disappointed, hungry males and tired me looking for another place to have dinner. After walking everywhere, they decided on this Chinese food place where they've eaten before. Me thinks it was a little expensive but food was pretty good. It was funny to see the look on the lady's face after they were done ordering. She asked me if I wanted to change the pineapple rice from a medium to a small cos' they've already ordered so much! I had to explain to her that the 2 guys are very hungry. :D

We had some interesting conversations during and after dinner, which possibly is not meant for public reading (and I can't remember exactly what they were talking about, except maybe something about spunky bubbles) so I won't write about it. :) Then we had a milkshake each at Mac to top it all off.
Ahh... milkshakes are so yummy!!! ^_^
Ahh... I just felt all my work in the gym cancelled off. >_< Ha.

Weather on Sat was somewhat depressing, I didn't get to do anything I had wanted to do (namely, go to the pool and shopping).

Last Sat was a looooong, long night out. It was a post-birthday celebration for a colleague, who also happens to be a close friend, hence I had to go even though I wasn't feeling up to it. Though the places we chilled out at were quite nice, my heart simply wasn't in it 3/4 of the time. A few of them asked if I was ok.
'You are not the usual bouncy Ping. What's wrong?' One of the girls asked me.
'Dunno. I think it's PMS.' The response which made Alex gag. He can't stand hearing 'girly' (his term for words such as menstruation, ovaries, you-get-the-idea...) words or anything associated with those ideas. So funny... :p

We started in The Balcony which is next to Heeren's. Then went to a bar along Emerald Hill Road, where the waiters and waitresses who served us were so thick it makes my blood boil! You see, Alex ordered a bottle of champagne when the birthday boy went to the washroom and he asked the waiter to bring the bottle to our table and give it to him when he got back. But the dumbass waiter popped the bottle at an empty table behind us and with the airhead waitresses, had a mini celebration before pouring out the champagne and serving it to us. The part of me being absolutely Singaporean didn't want to take this lying down so I marched off and complained to the manager, who gave us some pathetic shooters to pacify me.

Soon after we left to go to Attica along Clarke Quay. Expensive. (We paid $28 each for access to both floors and 2 drinks.) Quite nice. Somewhat similar to MOS. I had never imagined there are so many tall Caucasians in Singapore. And they all seemed to be in one place that night. Many of them good-looking too. A lot of tall, leggy model-like girls wearing the tiniest skirts!

Sunday was spent recuperating.

Yups, so that was my belated log of last weekend. Am very happy tomorrow's the last workday of this week!!! Yay! Hopefully can get out of Singapore for this weekend. Me and 2 chumps thinking of going to Taman Negarah for a hike. Gonna to try my darnest to make it happen! :)
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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